Soya, Sunflower seeds and Whole Wheat Muffins

For a person who is inherently resistant to moderation in anything it is pretty tough to write this with conviction- "A balanced diet is essential to a healthy and happy life". Sadly considerations of health hit everyone, sooner or later. Hopefully for you, dear reader, it will be later.

So while I'm on this health kick, here are a few tried, tested and tasted recipes.First up- another simple and yummy muffin recipe. It makes a quick breakfast for those watching their calories and their cholesterol.

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup soya flour
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp sunflower seeds
2 tbsp cane sugar
1 egg
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup milk
2 tbsp chopped orange peel

Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Oil and lightly flour the muffin pan or line with paper muffin cases. In the meanwhile mix the flours with the salt,sunflower seeds, baking powder and sugar. Beat the egg, milk and oil together. Stir into the dry ingredients swiftly, add the chopped peel, and mix with a wooden spoon or a hand beater until the flour is just mixed in. Spoon into prepared muffin pan. Bake until done 12-15 minutes. Let them cool and then store in an airtight container. Makes 12 muffins.

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